Experimental Features

Key Application Versions

Particulars can show the current versions of specified applications. To enable this feature, set the 2^13 (8192) bit on the detailLevel and populate the keyApps array.

keyApps are defined as they are named on disk, and can include apps in subfolders.

dl=${$(defaults read net.glencode.Particulars detailLevel 2> /dev/null):-4093}

defaults write net.glencode.Particulars detailLevel -int $((dl | 8192))

defaults write net.glencode.Particulars keyApps -array-add "Google Chrome"

defaults write net.glencode.Particulars keyApps -array-add "Utilities/Terminal"

Also available in the CLI with:

particulars --apps



Particulars can show displays and their resolutions. To enable this feature, set the 2^17 (131072) bit on the detailLevel.

dl=${$(defaults read net.glencode.Particulars detailLevel 2> /dev/null):-4093}

defaults write net.glencode.Particulars detailLevel -int $((dl | 131072))

Also available in the CLI with:

particulars --displays


Boot time

Enabling Boot time in the detail level adds the boot time of the Mac to the system information on the desktop or in the menu bar. There is an optional dateFormat setting to modify the format of the date and time. Date formatting follows a Unicode standard.

dl=${$(defaults read net.glencode.Particulars detailLevel 2> /dev/null):-4093}

defaults write net.glencode.Particulars detailLevel -int $((dl | 4096))

defaults write net.glencode.Particulars dateFormat "y-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a"

Also available in the CLI with:

particulars --boot


Efficiency and performance cores

On Apple Silicon, the count of efficiency and performance cores is discovered but not displayed in the desktop/menu bar. They are shown in the json/plist output in the CLI.

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